Discover Our Story

Discover our journey. We are committed to solving global challenges through technology and empowering future generations to thrive.

This is how it all started…

In a world constantly evolving with technological advancements, I envisioned a company that could leverage these innovations to solve real-world problems. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: to demonstrate that technology can address societal challenges in myriad ways, and to prove that these solutions can be achieved cost-effectively. I wanted to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs, showing them that with the right tools and mindset, they too could make a significant impact.

Our company, founded on this vision, now thrives with a diverse range of services. From Automation Building and Design Experience to Software Development, AI R&D, Consulting Service, and Amazing Asia, each facet of our business is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. We are not just offering services; we are creating solutions that make a difference.

Another driving force behind our inception was a deep-seated desire to elevate the presence of Japanese talent on the global stage. I wanted to create an environment where more Japanese individuals felt empowered to challenge themselves internationally. By taking the lead, I aspired to build a platform that provides opportunities for future generations, a place where countless individuals could thrive and expand their horizons.

Through our work, we aim to contribute to a brighter future, offering a platform that broadens choices and opportunities for everyone. Our mission is to be at the forefront of innovation, to inspire, and to enable others to realize their potential. This is how it all started, and this is how we continue to drive forward, with passion and purpose.

CEO Tomohiro Namiki

Our Approach

Tech Visionaries

Explore our innovative approach to solving complex problems. Our team combines cutting-edge technology with creative thinking to deliver solutions that drive progress and make a lasting impact.

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Discover our offices around the world

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

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